Joseph is recovering well from his surgery last week - he never did have any pain, so the real meds have gone unopened. The hardest part is keeping him from wild play with Anthony. He is also supposed to stay away from swimming and bikes. So far so good, but I'm not sure how long we can keep that up!
We were at Aunt Shirley's on Sunday - Joseph did not swim in the pool, which was initially hard, but (2nd) cousins Derek (16) and Josh (11) played catch with him from the pool and let Joseph beat them up with kick-boards while they play acted dying into the water. It was entertaining to watch and Joseph loved it!
They are both adjusting to preschool, although Anthony still asks to go with me and whines a bit. No crying anymore though, yeah! We also checked out a couple of museums over the weekend and joined the Natural History Museum here...
Brian is working hard and I'm lonely for mommy friends. Calling & emailing VA a lot! :) I really do have enough to do though with paperwork and doctor visits. I'm still seeing the chiropractor several times a week since 2 weeks ago when my back hit an all time ouch. We are still doing a lot of real estate paperwork and moving money around to be ready for settlement on the new place.
Well, that's most of the news here. Got a couple fun pics around the hotel since I got a disposable to take pics of the mini-van damage (minor but annoying...) Write or call to update me on your life!
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