Monday, October 13, 2008

Call the fire department!

No pictures of this one!  Today I brought the kids home from preschool with McDonalds.  Anthony was getting in and out of his chair and he tried to get into it through the back but got his head stuck.  ACK!  I just looked at him and knew this was going to be bad.  He was relatively patient while I tried to take the squeeze his head out using Pam and butter.  Didn't seem to mind too much while I used allen wrenched to try to take the chair apart.  After about 20 minutes more of that (and furtive calls to my dad and Brian) we called what I thought was the non-emergency fire department number.  (Anthony was a bit upset by then.  ) I got off the phone with the operator (very nice lady, sending fire department paramedics) and moments later I found the 2 remaining screws in the chair and took it apart.  I called to cancel my emergency, but they were out of the truck walking up our walkway already.  The boys were excited to see the 4 young paramedics and Daddy right behind them.  I hope they noticed the butter and Pam on Anthony's head as he tried to shoot them with Buzz Lightyear's Astroblaster.  :/


Carrie Braun Stark said...

Oh my God that's crazy. Well, you'll always have a good story to tell Anthony and his children many years down the road! No more excitement this week let's hope.

rachelwacek said...

I can't believe no pictures! What a predicament!! ...Do I help my screaming child or go get the camera to capture the moment? Don't know which way I would have gone. :-)

Glad it was all resolved okay though.