Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Missing Dad

Hey, so it's been a hectic and confusing time...

The kids are both at school full time this month - next month they will be stepping down to 2:30, and we'll see how things go after that.

Dad died while I was back here in California putting the kids in daycare to return back to Wisconsin. I was glad the kids and I got to see him, but it was heartbreaking how much he got worse from day to day. Hour to hour even. My brother, Keith, was and is, a lifesaver to us. He was there constantly after I left, and my dad had Keith and Claire, my mom, and his sister, my Aunt Mary Ellen with him when he passed.

We did funeral planning in Wisconsin and St. Louis. His funeral was at our old church, Ascension of Chesterfield in the 'burbs of St. Louis, and he was buried near his parents. The outpouring of love from family and friends has been amazing and comforting.

So, Mom, Keith and I worked on a lot of business stuff and personal stuff of my Dad's, which continues to this day, although I am back in CA, Mom is working, and Keith is in Madison, doing all kinds of personal and business stuff for himself as well. Mom has 2 more memorials coming up - at her work and her home for the friends in WI.

Meanwhile, I'm either lost, or at a crossroads (depending on how I'm looking at myself for the moment). The kids are relatively happy at their school, with some minor issues. I should be whipping my house into the shape I want it to be, but that's not happening very fast. We'll see! In the meantime a job opportunity dropped into my lap. A push from Dad? I think that's a possibility. I'm pursuing it! It seems pretty perfect, but it's not all up to me!

Brian's parents were able to visit last weekend and that was a lot of fun and good times together. Walking along the strand (boardwalk sort of), dinners out, Disneyland! I always enjoy seeing the boys with their loving relatives. They are lucky boys.

Can't wait for my Mom to visit too, but it might depend on the job I'm hoping for! I am still getting my head around going back to work. I'm excited.

OK, that was a lot about me - I'm figuring out my new flip video and taking pictures on 3 different camers (I need to consolidate), so I'll try to at least have pics, if not videos soon. More about the kids too!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Pictures as promised...

Joseph and Uncle Keith

Aunt Claire and Anthony playing with the cat

Anthony playing in the trees by our house.

:) L

Back from Wisconsin, Temporarily...

The boys and I got back from my parents last night. (Brian came back earlier for work). My Dad is really not doing well. His cancer is terminal, and he doesn't seem to be able to tolerate chemo because of the tumors on his liver. (The liver takes toxins out of the body and it didn't process the chemo last time, therefore almost killing him). My brother is close-by, which is a blessing, but there is so much to do for him and my mom.
So, it was hard to leave, but for the next month anyway, we are sending the kids to Manhattan Academy (where Joseph was already going) while Brian works, and I'm headed back to Wisconsin on Friday. It's the best thing we can do for all of us for now.
I appreciate all the notes of support from friends on Facebook, in email, and the many phone calls. Not to mention the visits of wonderful, caring relatives! Please keep praying for my dad and my family - it's all in God's hands.
Next time I'll try to post some pictures of the kids...

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Starting 2009

We enjoyed our holidays here in our new home with Monica and Bea honey. We made a quick trip up to Big Bear to see Brian's aunt and cousins (oh, and the snow!), and managed to share a cold with everyone there. Brian got to take Joseph skiing and Anthony and I went sledding with cousin Josh. Anthony was also totally enamoured with baby Sami, who is only 6 months old. It's very cute!

We were worried about Bea honey's cold turning into something more and took her to the emergency room to get her checked out - she had pneumonia, and they were also worried about here heart. She stayed 24 hours, and they finally cleared her to come back here and also declared here good enough to get on the plane back to Montana. We were sad to see both she and Monica go, and it felt like an abrupt end to the holidays.

Quickly after that Joseph started his new school which seems to be going very well now that we are 4 days into it!

Meanwhile, my dad started to have a very bad reaction the new chemo drug. He seems to be doing much better now, but instead of coming here to see me, the boys and I are headed out to Wisconsin as of next week.

That's all the news from here...