Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Disney, pumpkin patch.

This is somewhat out of order, but other than the "head stuck" situation, we have a good week.  Sunday we got season's passes to Disneyland so we went to check out their Halloween decorations and just have a little fun.  For our future visitors, Disney will be a promo next year- if you register on their website you can get in for free on your birthday (either world or land, but do land and come out to see us!)  Keep that in mind when you are doing your travel planning.  :)

The boys and I also had fun at a "pumpkin patch" where we met some new friends from  It was different in that it was a long parking lot fenced in and covered with hay, but obviously the boys had a great time - there was a petting zoo, the pony rides, scarecrows, and pumkins.  That's all we need!

I didn't post a pic - but we had Aunt Shirley and Uncle Kenny out here on Saturday.  It was nice to have people even though the place isn't "done" by my standard or anyone's really.  :)  Hope to see them (and more of the Riverside crew) again next weekend!

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