Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Getting there....

The closing date and move-in date are getting closer, and it's all becoming more real! We are scheduling dates with the escrow company (don't get me started - what a racket!) and walk-through for next week. After that it's just move-in day - 9/25! (For closing itself, we don't have to do anything - the bank and title companies have their work to do)... I have utilities set, and it all looks good - we probably won't have a landline until 10/4 though because we are buying cable, internet and phone all in one bundle from Time Warner and they claim they need the extra time to set up 911 service. Another racket? Who knows!

So, the worrying begins - about our stuff fitting into our smaller space, how the boys will sleep in this, another new place, where the truck will park, and how I will figure out decorating and trash day, new friends and all.. yet I look forward to it! Monica/ Grandma might come out to help! Heh, my new hairdresser and the realtor are offering help as well, so I will probably be taking them up on it - as much as possible!

Meanwhile, my parents have also planned a trip out here for January - yeah!

The kids are great - they seem to look forward to preschool and enjoy flirting with the ladies who work the continental breakfast in the guest house. Brian has been coming home by 5:30 or 6 and gives me "breaks" for Back to School night or a ladies night out (last Friday night with a meetup group).

Love and "miss yous" to all our friends and family.

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